Online course on the prevention of violent radicalisation through youth work

Online course on the prevention of violent radicalisation through youth work
Youth work has always played a role in the prevention of violence. Today with recent social, economic and political developments there is an increased need for youth workers and take up this role in their work. But what is really “violent extremism”? And what exactly can youth work do to prevent violent extremism and radicalization? What resources are available and who has developed tools for youth workers dealing with this topic?
Last but not least, through this course we will look at practitioner perspective and try to develop out own projects. As a participant you will be able to explore the content at your own pace through following live and recorded lectures, visiting European project web pages or reading tailored content, watching short movies and working individually or in groups.
Course structure:
Week 1
>>>> • What is violent extremism and radicalisation? Concept, history and key terms
>>>> • Institutions, legislation and research on youth work and the prevention of violent extremism and radicalisation
Week 2
>>>> • What is the role of youth work and the role of the youth worker in preventing violent extremism and radicalization?
>>>> • Young people: resilience and empowerment
Week 3
>>>> • Typology of youth work projects and responses to violent extremism and radicalisation
>>>> • Youth work response: asset mapping
Week 4
>>>> • Youth work response including the civic youth work action cycle
>>>> • Youth work response including narratives and counter-narratives
Week 5
>>>> • Youth work response including non-Violent communication
>>>> • Support measures in the Council of Europe and other EU programs
Week 6
>>>> • Individual project work and submission
This activity is made possible through a grant of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.
The course is open for participants from Council of Europe and Programme and Partner countries of the Erasmus+ Programme countries.
You will use different learning methods during the course, including: online textbooks, workshops, evaluation, individual and group tasks, short movies, supplementary bibliography, quizzes etc.
You will need between 32 to 50 hours (4-6 hours/week) to complete the course, depending on your study pace, as well. You can choose your own study period within the general course period proposed: 15th of June – 1st of August 2018.
Our course is free of charge for the participants, thanks to the funds from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the efforts made by the team of the project.
When you have fulfilled the basic requirements, you will get a course attendance certificate.
The course will be available in English.
Basic - Intermediate
To sign up for the course, please follow this link:
Participation in thois course is considered a plus if:
- you want to join the ‘’Training of trainers on youth work and prevention of violent radicalization’’ course organized in Sibiu Romania. More on this course and how to apply following this link
-you want submit a request for funding on a national event campaign dedicated to the topic of youth work and prevention of violent radicalisation, call to be open at the beginning of June at