Training of Trainers in youth work as a preventive practice

Training of Trainers in youth work as a preventive practice
The training course is taking place in Sibiu, Romania, on 8 - 11 August 2018 (arrival on the 7th and departure on the 12th of August). This activity is made possible through a grant of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.
The aim of this training course is to develop trainers’ competences in youth work, with a particular focus on prevention of violent extremism and radicalisation. During the course, participants will improve their competences and abilities to deliver trainings on and including topics such as:
· youth work and extremism and radicalisation bacis concepts and key terms
· institutions, legislation and research on youth work and the prevention of violent extremism and radicalisation
· the role of youth work and the role of the youth worker in preventing violent extremism and radicalization
· young people: resilience and empowerment
· typology of youth work projects and responses to violent extremism and radicalisation
· and existing support measures in the Council of Europe and other EU programs
Besides these, the focus will also be on competences that are considered to be essential when working as a non-formal education trainer:
· intercultural competences
· the competence to co-operate successfully in teams;
· the competence to communicate meaningfully with others;
· the competence to design educational programs;
· the competence to direct one´s own learning (Learning to Learn);
· the competence to understand and facilitate individual and group learning processes;
Participation in this training course requires the payment of an enrolment fee of 50€.
ECYC covers all other costs (travels, accommodation, food etc.), except insurance.
The deadline to apply for this training of trainers course is the 30th of June. For further information and how to apply, please check the call via this link:
There is no age limit for applicants.
Participation in the ECYC ‘’Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on youth work and prevention of violent radicalization’’ is a plus for those who want to apply/participate in this ToT. Further information on this MOOC is available here:
For any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.