CAVAN Youth Movement Public Union - Azerbaijan

CAVAN Youth Movement Public Union - Azerbaijan
- CAVAN was founded in 2017 as a non-governmental and non-profit national youth organization. It is a youth-led NGO, which means that all staff members are young enthusiastic people with a strong background in youth work and volunteer movement.
- Young people make up most of population in Azerbaijan and they are the driving force behind the country’s leap into the future. However, it is clear that in Azerbaijan, as elsewhere, young people face different challenges. Thus, CAVAN's main purpose is to help youth, those real and potential changemakers, with development, support interests of youth and provide their protection, as well as encourage their active participation in the socio-political, cultural and economic life.
CAVAN's mission is:
- To promote civic responsibility and youth participation through youth work
- To attend to and satisfy common needs and interests of young people and individual youth groups
- To carry out informal education of young people
- To protect students’ rights
- To support voluntary youth work
- To promote international cooperation of young people and youth workers
- To promote human values among young people, to increase their role in the development of civil society
More than 100.000 people have been involved in our projects in 2018!