Youth Cymru - Wales, United Kingdom

Youth Cymru - Wales, United Kingdom
- Youth Cymru is a national youth work charity with an 81 year history. Our mission is to support young people (11-25) to reach their full potential and have a voice in all decisions affecting them, to promote positive images of young people, showcasing their achievements and ensuring the vital role of youth work within Wales is recognised by decision makers and wider society.
- Core to our mission is promoting the widest possible range of experiences and activities to young people, working directly and through our 197 member organisations. Members work in every local authority area in Wales (in voluntary and statutory settings), concentrated in the most deprived communities. In 2014/15, we engaged with 218,418 young people. Membership is free.
- Youth Cymru is an accreditation centre and able to offer nationally recognised qualifications awarded by Agored Cymru. It manages the Youth Achievement Awards in Wales allowing youth work to be formally accredited and recognised. We provide training and accreditation opportunities for young people and practitioners, as well as funding for young people to develop and run their own projects. Youth Cymru coordinates a number of projects including The Big Music Project (enabling young people to develop skills in the creative industries) and Trans*Form Cymru, (a project working with trans* young people). Youth Cymru’s work is supported and informed by Llais Ifanc, our Young Leadership panel.
- Youth Cymru works in partnership with similar youth organisations across the UK and Ireland, Youth Scotland, UK Youth, Youth Action Northern Ireland and Youth Work Ireland. These partnerships enable us to develop strong links with major corporate partners, including Starbuck, O2 and UPS, bringing valuable resources into youth work in Wales. Youth Cymru is also an active member of the European Confederation of Youth Clubs.