DOJ/AFAJ - Switzerland

DOJ/AFAJ - Switzerland
DOJ/AFAJ is the umbrella organisation for Open Youth Work and sociocultural animation with youth in Switzerland. It currently has approximately 700 local youth work services and 15 regional organisations as members.
DOJ/AFAJ’s goals are:
- Promoting open youth work and work with children through advancing the professional developement and quality assurance of Open Youth Work in Switzerland;
- Lobbying on a national level;
- Networking the cantonal and regional associations.
DOJ/AFAJ achieves these goals through the following activities:
- Annual conference and additional seminars/conferences/trainings
- Journal "InfoAnimation“ (3 issues/year)
- Working groups and projects in the field of professional / quality development; current working groups are about working with girls, outreach work, media/online social communities and youth information
- Expertise on questions about Open Youth Work
- Lobbying: Youth politics and other areas of national politics concerning youth, policy-making concerning professional training and developement in the social work area
- Support for the local networks and associations
- Website and monthly Newsletter
- Projects on national level to support youth work
- Cooperation with universities
- Cooperation with other national NGO’s in the youth field and the Swiss Youth Council