Youth Work Ireland

Youth Work Ireland
- Youth Work Ireland is a federation of local youth services throughout the country who work in the interest of young people through the provision of a range of services and who share a common ethos and approach.
- As a co-ordinating and development agency for youth services throughout the country, Youth Work Ireland has, since 1962 sought to give voice to the needs and aspirations of young people, to support and encourage trained volunteers and staff and ultimately, to improve the quality of life for young people in the context of community based youth services.
- Ireland is rapidly changing and young people are faced with many new challenges and opportunities. We believe that youth work has much to offer them as they meet the future. Supporting their development as active and critical citizens is core to our task.
- Youth Work Ireland is ready to enthusiastically embrace the challenges which present themselves in the hope of seeing the establishment of a national youth service in every conceivable location where young people gather throughout the island.