Ungdom & Fritid / Youth Work Norway - Norway

Ungdom & Fritid / Youth Work Norway - Norway
- Ungdom & Fritid is a national, non-profit organisation which organises over 600 youth clubs. We arrange seminars and courses within the field of youth work - both for young people as well as for professionals and volunteers.
- Ungdom & Fritid also aims to produce relevant literature and to coordinate and upgrade education for professional youth workers in order to increase both the quality and the status of their profession. As members of our organisation, youth clubs can also obtain information, campaign material and activity equipment at low cost.
- To make sure that every child under 18 years has a youth club to attend, and to develop and improve already existing youth clubs, we have for several years been working to make youth clubs mandatory by law. In 2006 we decided to work for a "youth law" that regulates more than youth clubs. Our demand is now supported by many young people, youth workers, organisations and politicians, so we hope that we can have success with this project in the future.